Our Blogs

The Romance of Social Media Engagement for Viral Dominance
Like a debutante with eager anticipation,  the adrenalin rush of expectation and enthusiasm to step into a new dimension of experience, is an enticing and exciting thrill. So is the bubbling...
On the 50th Anniversary, There is Love
The celebration was very private and was tempered with mixed emotions. The gathering of an intimate few of family members toasted  the couple at their 50th wedding anniversary in a cozy church...
Dare to be Ageless: The Saavy of Aging and the Wisdom to Dare
Friday May 24 2013 In the course of the last 24 hours I was in the presence of death with its  royal sadness and finality.  I also shared an hour with Jordan Cooper, 2014 candidate for the...
The Circle of Communities and Building Followers are prime Real Estate to Social Media Success
Success, as the social media debutante I am, is like having my naiveté slammed into overdrive, full throttle without a gear shift.   I feel the momentum and accelerate. I am on a projectile...
The Imagery of Words : Millenial Jargon to Renaissance Conversation
       The-Marilyn-Monroe-Block-on-Yardsellr Nothing is as potent nor can be as salacious as the usage, knowledge, and intention in the homage of words. I am a Marilyn Monroe...
Facebook!! :Look at me Now at GooglePlus and Circling
Google Corporate Office Headquarters in the USA: 1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, California 94043 I am 57 years old , a grandmother and an avid social media enthusiast and active blogger...
Stand for something or you will Fall for anything
Each part of the tapestry of life, is the thread that weaves through the invisible. When the seams are knitted with love, all become manifest and whole in being…gcw may2013 The call  that...
Original Post: How the Internet gives a voice Jan 15 2013
 This post How the Internet gives a voice was my first post to blogging.  In reviewing my recent posts, the content was lifted.  Luckily, my original text was saved on an external...
The 21st century conquistadors are virtual..
This post was originally shared in January 2013 as a new blogger.  Because there is missing content on my first postHow the Internet gives me a voice I am reposting this here Thursday, January...
It is better to be saved by criticism than to be seduced by praise
Until you rise from ego,  your birthright to illumination will be captive to darkness…gcwalker may2013 Depending on the “who”  that gives the words of wisdom, it causes one...
Our personalities in social media
Social Media is about Relationship Social Media is about People Based on #1 International Best Selling Socialnomics by Erik Qualman For the sake of public knowledge I am as guilty of and equally...
How to welcome Fear and Turbulence
The emptiness that feels overwhelming, the bottomless agony of despair are immediate thoughts that emotionally describe the insecurities of fear and turbulence. In reading the book Dying to be Me by...